Tuesday, October 20, 2009

10/20/2009 - Rabbit Creek

Launch: John's

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1) Conditions were quite nice for today's adventure.

2) I passed by an area that tends to have a lot of wildflowers (disturbed area) and took some photos. This is a narrow leaf sunflower (Helianthus angustifolius) and they are blanketing areas right now.

3) Golden Rods are hard to identify because there are so many of them that look similar - at least to me.

4) Peelbark St. John's Wort (Hypericum fasciculatum).

5) Fairly common bush aster (Symphyotrichum dumosum).

6) This photo is of Wicky which is related to Mountain laurel. Wicky is a small plant whereas mountain laurel is a much larger shrub. The bees fly up and trigger the arched stamens to fly free which sends the pollen flying all over the bee. Nifty design by ... the grand designer or whatever you choose to call her.

7) I went back downstream to Dog River all the way to where it enters Mobile Bay. This little tugboat looked a little top heavy - like it could turn over.

8) Dauphin Island Parkway bridge going over Dog River. Even though it looks calm, the current was beginning to flow strong through here.

9) Couldn't believe that a wind surfing board was tied off in a sailboat slip. That's funny! 

10) Sunset under the Rangeline Road bridge over Rabbit Creek. It occurred to me after the trip that I don't remember seeing any trash along the banks of Rabbit Creek or Lower Dog River. That is good news!

1 comment:

  1. How do you get to John's launch and can anyone use it?


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