Header image of today's sunset. |
1) Sunbeams radiating through the clouds. |
2) For some reason, this masked cloud formation reminded me of Mardi Gras. |
3) Anyone see a claw in this photo? |
4) Sunset on Dog River. |
A photo journal documenting kayak trips throughout the Southeast.
Header image of today's sunset. |
1) Sunbeams radiating through the clouds. |
2) For some reason, this masked cloud formation reminded me of Mardi Gras. |
3) Anyone see a claw in this photo? |
4) Sunset on Dog River. |
Header image of wild Canna lilies. |
1) A tern did a dive right in front of the kayak and came up with an empty beak. |
2) Sunrise over Dog River. |
3) A gaggle of geese (young and old) with Dog River Park in the background. |
4) A crimson-eyed rose mallow or marsh mallow flower (Hibiscus moscheutos). |
5) In this view, the shoreline is teeming with wild Canna lilies which are usually seen in flower gardens. |
6) Closeup of one of the Canna lilies. |
Header image - Memorial Day sunset on Dog River. |
1) Progression of this evening's sunset which was spectacular. |
2) Another view of a spectacular sunset. |
3) Big'ol ball of fire that keeps the earth warm. |
4) Too bad boats kept leaving wakes that disturbed the surface of the water. Thought this was going to be all to the sunset and then the colors started. |
5) The sunset turned out to be one of those that leave you breathing deeply in awe. |
6) Clouds were colorizing all over the sky such that a camera just cannot capture it. Hopefully the photos give you an idea what it looked like. |
7) The colors kept going and going while slowly turning from orange to crimson. |
8) The colors kept going and going while slowly turning from orange to crimson. |
9) A photo merge for you to enjoy a sunset scenery from a kayaker's viewpoint. |
10) Another photomerge. Wow. |
Header photo - image of a juvenile yellow-crowned night heron. |
1) An owl sitting on an busy bird house. When the owl flew off, about a dozen pissed off birds went dive bombing the owl. |
2) The sun was hidden behind clouds on this morning's sunrise. |
3) Something has been devouring the leaves of the mallow plant but they left the blooms intact. |
Header photo of a young girl with Dunlap disease as she is pulled behind a motor boat. Little does she know about the size of turtles that lurk in the water beneath her... |
2) Alligator snapping turtles can get big. I paddled in awe with this turtle covered in algae that has no doubt lived many years - probably as old as I am. It is covered in algae because most of its life is spent underwater. For some reason this one surfaced and didn't want to go back down. |
3) The turtle nuzzled the kayak and the two became immediate friends. It kept pushing the kayak around in circles. |
5) Two little geese following in Mom's wake near Dog River Park. |
6) A beautiful hibiscus flower on the bank of Eslavia Creek which is on the north end of Dog River. |
7) Clouds gave way to sunny skies and instant heat. |
8) A snowy egret stands guard over the Dog River Trash Dump. |
Header photo - Northside of Gaillard Island on the left and the arching lights of Dog River Bridge on the right. |
1) Image on the side of a houseboat docked at a marina on Dog River. They are selling a River Cities condo concept. Spend about $250,000 for the condo and pay about $20,000 a year for home owners association fees and you too can live on and roll up and down the big rivers while having plenty of amenities. |
2) Or, for the price of a kayak, you can quietly glide up on waterfowl and see nature up close and personal rather than squinting at it from a distance city on water. |
4) Sunset on Mobile Bay as seen from the north side of Gaillard Island. |
5) I came back to inland Dog River to calmer waters to watch the moonrise. The smaller lights are on Dog River Bridge. |
Header photo - Closeup image of a seagull's eye. Yes, behind those deep black eyes there is a pupil. |
1) A rather bland sunrise this morning. Open waters were a bit choppy. |
2) You don't see many of these around here - a sailboat with a crows nest. |
3) Record cold temperatures last night might be why this dock kitty looks so miserable. |
4) The hole in this seagull's beak is called a nare (nostril) and it breaths through it. |